Simon Muinde Kitonyi
Age: 25
Corps: Kyamutwoii Corps - Kithomgoni Outpost
Favorite Food: Githeri
Favorite Food: Githeri
Verse: 2 Peter 3:10-11
Simon has attended The Salvation Army since he was young where he has been a Jinior Sergeant, Corps Cadet, Choir Master, bandsman, and worship team member at his Corps. In his teens Simon fell away from God. In 2005 he heard Christ and desired to follow him again. During 2008 he finally gave himself totally to God after hearing a radio message and reading in Hebrews. God is now teaching him to be patient and obedient. Now Simon has been asked to lead his own outpost as a Sergeant-in-Charge which could lead to him hopefully serving as an officer someday. He like The Salvation Army because he feels there is good leadership and the way they worship. Simon would ultimately like to see all of Kenya worship in Spirit and in Truth.
Age: 19
Corps: Congo Corps
Verse: Luke 6:38
Since hearing a sermon in High School about breaking out of the camp of sin and ignorance, Peninnah has decided to follow Jesus Christ whole-heartedly, seeking comfort and fefuge in the Lord even in times of trouble. Currently God is teaching her that she is a chosen disciple called to be a soul-winner and co-worker with Christ. Born and raised in The Salvation Army, she desires to fulfill this calling and follow her parents' exaple in becoming a full time servant of God as a Salvation Army officer. At her Corps she participates in Sunday School and choir, and is a very active Corps Cadet, turning in all her lessons! She says that the Army is a great witness in Kenya. She hopes that in the future her country will acknowledge God as their pillar and join her in worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth!