Saturday, October 10, 2009

TDWM Blesses Embu, Meru, Yatta, and Kirinyaga Youth!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

On Sunday, September 26th, Embu Division hosted a youth Sunday for Embu, Meru, Yatta, and Kirinyaga lead by the Territorial Director of Women's Ministries, Colonel Janice Howard. It was a great celebration of the wonderful youth work in these four divisions and districts, as well as a chance for the youth to meet the new Chief Secretary and TDWM for the Kenya East Territory.

After a huge open-air event all the youth marched past the Territorial leaders by their divisions and districts, saluting the Salvation Army salute with pride. As the meeting started all of us were excited to see that so many youth had come for the meeting!

It was a wonderful meeting featuring a gospel dance by Meru district (with Kenya East Youth t-shirts!), a poem by Kirinyaga district, a timbrel performance by Yatta division, and a passionate poem by a talented boy from Embu.

Also during the meeting the youth of the month for August was recognized and received his free Kenya East Youth t-shirt. The four DYOs were also introduced and able to greet the youth. The message by Colonel Janice Howard started with some fun competitions between different youth. The winners were even given a palm crown to wear! The message was very convicting, speaking about keeping yourself physically fit, but more importantly spiritually fit. Many youth came to the mercy seat to make the decision to change their lives and make their actions match their commitment to Christ.

We are so thankful to Embu Division for hosting this great event. Everyone left refreshed spiritually and excited to be a part of The Salvation Army!


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